Friday, April 27, 2007

If at First You Don't Succeed...

I can hardly contain my excitement.

This season’s guiltiest pleasure, I Love New York, is coming back for a second season! Yes, it’s true!! VH1 has quietly begun posting casting notices for the second season. The postings state that the show is looking for men ages 21 – 36 (damn! I’m too old!), of all races and extreme personalities. If last season’s contestants are any indication, “extreme personalities” is an understatement.

The door to a second season was actually opened on the recently-telecast I Love New York reunion special. On the special, New York and her chosen bachelor, Tango, were reunited for the first time since the final episode of the series in which Tango beat out Chance for the hand of our fair-maiden-from-Hell Miss New York (a/k/a/ Tiffany Pollard); show rules called for New York and the winner to not see each other until the series finale had been telecast. However, upon the reunion of New York and Tango, the tables were turned on New York when Tango announced that he was breaking up with New York. After watching the entire series of I Love New York during their contractually-obligated separation, Tango discovered that New York had made several less-than-complimentary comments about her supposed-love Mr. Tango, and even worse comments about Tango’s mother (a classic scene, as those of you who saw it already know).

Also classic was the scene in which Tango broke the bad news to New York. New York was (of course) crushed, as any of us would be if we were dumped on national television. But it’s this break-up that has opened the door to a second go-round for Tiffany to find the love of her life. So get ready for more Tiffany! And more Mama Michele (a/k/a Sister Patterson)! What more could we ask for? But - the big question is: will Chance be invited back to the show?

Do you have no shame? Are you yearning for reality-TV infamy? If so, then you may be perfect for I Love New York! Apply online at, and leave your good sense at the door.

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For Those of You Who Still Care…

Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip returns to NBC effective Thursday, May 24, at 10:00pm. For those of you keeping score at home, that’s the day AFTER the end of the May sweeps. Never a good sign for a Fall renewal.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Michael, Revisited...

Revisiting my recent post about Harold Perrineau and his absence from the season-finale of Lost...

Shortly after this recent post hit the blogwaves, someone wrote to me to tell me a different version of the "Perrineau won't be making a return appearance on Lost" story. According to the person who wrote to me, Perrineau actually did want to return to Lost, but was forbidden to do so because of his contractual obligation to a CBS pilot entitled Demons.

Being that I just received this correspondence, I have not yet been able to verify the claim made by its author. However, I will admit that it does sound as if it could be plausible... after all, Perrineau is part of the cast of Demons... and it would make sense that his contract with that production company would call for a period of exclusivity. Again, though, I have not yet been able to confirm this... but I will say that I at least want to believe it.

So, if it does turn out to be true (and let's hope that it does), then the only way that we'd be able to even possibly again see Michael on the island of Lost is if Demons doesn't get picked up by CBS. Now, I hate to wish bad things for the pilot and its cast, but Mr. Perrineau - you were just too good as Michael, and nothing would please me (and quite a few other Lost-heads) than to see you make a return trip to the island. Micheal has a lot of explaining to do!

I'm guessing that you'd leave Walt at home, though. It would pretty tough to explain how young Walt managed to age by a couple of years, even though you've only been off of the island for a few weeks. Ah, the perils of casting child actors!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Get Lost, Michael

Lost fans: I have some breaking news to share.

In case you had been wondering what happened to Michael and Walt since they supposedly left the island at the end of season two, then you’re going to keep right on wondering… despite the best efforts of the Lost producers.

It seems that Harold Perrineau, who played Michael, was offered a part in the Lost season-three finale… but Perrineau turned it down. Yes, you read that correctly: he turned it down!

Thanks for nothing, Perrineau. Too bad that the smoke monster didn’t get you while you were still on the island.

PS – if you have any interest whatsoever in knowing what’s going to happen on the last five Lost episodes of the season, then just drop me an e-mail. Spoiler Boy is going to be good, for the sake of our beloved Lost, and not post any spoliers publicly. I’ll at least tell you this much: it’s going to be GOOD.

Monday, April 02, 2007

From Bad to Worse

With Bob Barker’s tenure as host of The Price is Right winding toward an end, rumors continue to swirl around who will replace the venerable emcee. Although CBS Early Show weatherman Dave Price had been considered by many within the Eye network to be the hands-on favorite to get the job (actor Mario Lopez and Entertainment Tonight's Mark Steines had also recently auditioned for the job), newer rumors have that Price deemed not right by CBS… and these same rumors have perpetually-bronzed actor George Hamilton ascending to the morning-game throne. Supposedly, CBS chief Les Moonves finds Hamilton to be “charming,” and Moonves believes that Hamilton would be an asset to the show. Lord knows that the 67-year-old Hamilton has not suffered from a lack of exposure as of late, between his recent stint on Dancing with the Stars and his numerous television commercials.

But… George Hamilton... to host The Price is Right? C’mon Les – what are you thinking?? He’d make even Dave Price seem like an inspired choice.