Friday, May 04, 2007

The Sun is Setting on 'Strip'

For those of you hoping for an 11th hour reprieve for NBC’s Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip… forget about it. It’s over. Yes, I know that no official announcement has been made by NBC, but believe me – it’s true. How do I know? Well, the Studio 60 sets, which reside on a Warner Bros. soundstage, have this week started being dismantled and torn down. And where I come from, you don’t tear-down something that you’re planning to use again.

Rest in peace, UBS.

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Brotherhood Update

Fans of the late, lamented The West Wing will appreciate this one: Janel Moloney, better known to West Wing fans as Donna, is joining the cast of the Rhode Island-centric Brotherhood as a woman with whom supposed-good-guy Tommy Caffee has an affair.

And just to bring this full-circle with the item above: Moloney's West Wing character Donna interacted prominently with the Wing character Josh, played by Bradley Whitford... who (say it with me now) co-starred on Studio 60. Gotta love the full circle!


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