Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thank You

Okay, okay – I know: I haven’t been around in a while. For those of you who know me in “real life,” the reason as to my recent disappearing act is obvious. For those you who know me only in this cyber world, well… I’ll spare you the details of my absence from this space. Suffice it to say that the events of the recent past were very unexpected, unwelcome, and most unwanted. The past three weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, and at times it still seems somewhat surreal and dreamlike.

Even in the aftermath of the recent events, times continue to be crazy… and therefore the time that I have to devote to online pursuits such as this blog is slight and spotty at best. I trust that you’ll cut me some slack as I take the time necessary to ramp back up to a “normal” schedule and activity level.

Until then, allow me to take this time to give my thanks and gratitude to those from my “real life” who have expressed his or her support, concern, and friendship. It has been said that the toughest of times brings out the best in people, and that when the chips are down, you learn who your true friends are. After the past few weeks, I could not agree more with both of these statements.

However, what I have truly learned through this recent ordeal is that I am a lucky guy. A very lucky guy. I have some of the finest people in the world as my friends. I don’t really know what I’ve done to deserve such a wealth of wonderful people in my life, but please know that the words to properly express my gratefulness to these fine folks simply do not exist. The best that I can do is to offer a simple, yet to-the-point, thank you.

Thank you.


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