Sunday, September 03, 2006

On Vanished, Jerry Lewis, Shock Treatment, and Lost...

On Vanished...

Fox has recently premiered its new Vanished series, and it has a look and feel to it eerily similar to that of NBC's new Kidnapped. You know the drill: prominent person disappears, family panics, and the authorities are called in to investigate. Sorry Fox, but... been there, done that.

On Jerry Lewis...

It's that time again. The time that all of us fans of "washed-up has-beens" wait for all year: the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon! The Jerry Lewis Telethon has become a sort of retirement home for celebrities whose careers ceased to exist years ago. Don't believe me? Then check out this less-than-stellar list of celebrities scheduled to appear on this year's telethon: Charlie Callas, Norm Crosby, Charo, Billy Gilman (Rhode Island's own!), and Yakov Smirnov. Yakov Smirnov??? Didn't his career come to a screeching halt immediatley following the fall of the Soviet Union? The poor guy - those jokes about Soviet oppression just didn't seem to have to have the same oomph once the USSR ceased to exist. Anyway... don't miss a minute of the "fun" - it all starts tonight at 9:00, and runs through 7:00pm on Monday.

On Shock Treatment...

Rocky Horror Picture Show fans, listen up: the bastard-child sequel to our beloved Rocky Horror, Shock Treatment, is being released on DVD this week. For the few Rocky Horror fans who are unfamiliar with Shock Treatment, allow me to bring you up to speed: Shock Treatment picks up where Rocky Horror left off, and follows the lives of Brad Majors and Janet Weiss (this time played by new actors, as Barry Bostwick and Susan Sarandon had long since moved onto much-more-successful acting careers by the time that this film was made) as they attempt to return to their normal lives in Denton after their encounter with the mad Dr. Frank N. Furter. Along the way, we meet several new residents of Denton, a few of whom are played by actors from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. On paper, this may all sound wonderful, but in theory, the whole Shock Treatment thing falls flat. Very flat. For truly devoted Rocky Horror fans, it may be worth seeing this movie, just because it's related to the original classic. But please do NOT go into this expecting another Rocky Horror, or you will be "shocked" by your deep level of disappointment.

On Lost...

And finally, the season-2 DVD of Lost will hit store shelves this Tuesday (September 5). Be there!


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