Friday, September 14, 2007

TV Boy Goes Legit

I have some TV Boy news to share.

First, some history. While many people believe that my foray into writing began (and some think should end) with his blog, the fact of the matter is that a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, yours-truly penned a weekly column for a newspaper. And before you get to thinking that I was simply printing up copies of a neighborhood pseudo-paper in my basement to satisfy some egocentric desire to see my name in print, you should know that my column was published for several years by a actual, real, honest-to-god, ink-on-your-hands newspaper; in other words, the legitimate press. Doesn’t say much for the legitimate press, now does it?

Anyway… it looks as if history is about to repeat itself. You see, your old friend TV Boy is going to be writing for a regional arts and entertainment magazine.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

I’ll be contributing a regular column to the magazine… a column which is likely to focus much of the time on the world of television (but you probably already guessed that much, now didn’t you?). In the near future I may also be conducting interviews with folks from the world of entertainment, and if the mood should strike I may even throw in a movie review once in a while. But for now I’ll be sticking to my column, which will begin with the magazine’s October edition.

Now, to spare the magazine and its publishers any premature humiliation I’ve purposely omitted the publication’s name from this post. After all, there’ll be more than enough embarrassment to go around for them once they actually associate themselves publicly with my name, my words, and my photograph.

See you on the newsstand!


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