Monday, July 23, 2007

Drew Carey... Come on Down!

The interminably-long search for a new host for The Price is Right came to an end a couple of hours ago, and the person chosen by CBS to succeed the venerable Bob Barker is none other than... Drew Carey? Sorry, readers, but that's not a typo.

It seems that the comedian (and onetime star of the primetime sitcom The Drew Carey Show and host of the improv series Whose Line is it Anyway) impressed the suits at CBS while taping the pilot of the upcoming CBS summer game show The Power of 10.

Rumor has it that CBS had at least one back-up candidate in the wings, in case the offer to Carey didn't pan out.

Carey himself will make the official announcement on tonight's edition of Late Show with David Letterman. New episodes of Price with Carey at the helm are scheduled to begin taping in August.

But... Drew Carey? You know, now that I think about it, he does kind of have that early-Bill-Cullen thing going on. And Bill Cullen was the host of the first version of The Price is Right (in the late 50s through the mid 60s). So maybe - just maybe - if Drew can channel his inner-Bill Cullen, then who knows – we just might have a winner here.


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