Thursday, May 11, 2006

Spoiler Boy

Naysayers! All of you!

I’m currently accepting apologies from all of you who gave me that “you are completely out of your mind” look when, on Wednesday morning, I dared to deliver the news that Chris Daughtry was the contestant who was going to be voted off the island (whoops - sorry, I’m mixing my reality-show metaphors) on Wednesday’s live American Idol results show. I tried – oh, how I tried – to tell you that my “prediction” was not actually a prediction, but instead a statement of fact based on actual voting. But nooooooo… you wouldn’t believe me. After all, how could I know such a thing? The general sentiment among many of you was “you blew it this time, TV Boy.”

Well, a simple “I’m sorry, TV Boy” will suffice. However, if you truly want me to sense your sincerity, then a gift of baked goods will do quite nicely. Extra points for chocolate-centric goods, thank you very much.

As many of you know, I’m not the world’s biggest fan of American Idol. In fact, the one-and-only lasting pleasure that I’ve taken from Idol is the music of that special little so-bad-he's-good guy, William Hung.

At best, I’ve been following Idol only remotely this season. And from what I’ve seen of the show this season, Daughtry seemed to be the contestant who combined genuine vocal talent with actual marketability. His great voice (a sort of Creed-meets-Ed-Kowalczyk-from-Live kind-of thing) and strong stage presence seemed to be a winning combination. BUT – as I’ve lectured time and time again, Idol is NOT about talent; rather, it’s a popularity contest. Season after season, viewers early-on in the proceedings pick a favorite, and then usually tend to vote for that same person week after week, regardless of the quality of that person’s weekly performances.

Daughtry was a favorite of many viewers. But, apparently not enough viewers. Cry not for Daughtry, though. He’ll do just fine, career-wise. In fact, Daughtry already has a job offer from rock band Fuel. Due to his Idol contract, however, he's unable to accept any offers for at least 90 days.

Going forward, though, please keep one thing in mind: when TV Boy tells you that something is going to happen on television, IT HAPPENS.

Now… who wants to know what happens next week on Lost? If you do, then just let ol' Spoiler Boy know.


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